BioTech Dynamics

Leading innovation

About BioTech Dynamics

We are a large conglomerate of companies dedicated to research and biotechnology. In BioTech, we eschew the repression and regulations of the UEE regarding scientific advancements and how they should reach everyone.

The UEE only wants to disclose advancements that serve its interests, selling patents to large technological and industrial companies. The cure for some diseases, more resilient food, spacecraft, and more sustainable cities... All of this should be within everyone's reach; that is our goal: to bring technological development, scientific advancements, and medical breakthroughs to humanity and any civilization in need.


CEO of BioTech Dynamics

Our purposes

Transgenic food

  • Collaboration with local farmers.
  • Environmental sustainability.
  • Create new seeds and fertiliezers. 
  • New and safe transgenic food.
  • Ceres project.

Biomedical research

  • Development of effective treatments.
  • Reduction of health disparities. 
  • Create affordable medicines and vaccines.  
  • PharmaTech project.


  • Discovery of new species.
  • Bioprospecting.
  • Astrobiology. 
  • Odysseus and Xenolife projects.
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