
- Kingdom: Animal
- Original Habitat: Unknown.
- Bioma: Tundra, savana, deserts. Some biologists discovered that the Marok also loves lush and green enviroments
- Status: Unknown.
- Diet: Unknown.
- Description: The Marok is a birdlike creature with a long beak and batlike wings, with flocking behavior. They are not hostile to humanoids and their flocks will disperse when approached. The Marok are native to savanas, snow, desert, and cave biomes and come in multiple feature colors that suit their environments.
- Marok Gem: The marok has a gizzard, which takes food that has been previously swallowed from the stomach and "chews" it before passing it back into the stomach to be digested. To help this process, the marok's body secretes a substance that hardens into a large crystalline stone that stays in the gizzard and helps food get pulverized more efficiently. The stone has unique conductive properties that make it sought-after for use in computer chips.
- Explorer note: All this new information has been leaked by Pipeline as of 28/03/2024 and may undergo changes, modifications or even not be included in the game's content.
- Where to find them:
- Arround Data Center KH3-AAE-L (MicroTech)