Non consumable
Some of the products that will appear here, are products that come either from the earth: like plants, fruits etc. While others have no vegetable origin but are susceptible to studies and scientific research.
- Type: Slime mold.
- Maturing and growth: in extremely corrosive environments and pressure. It has been found in Hurston all arround the acid bioma.
- Comon use: It secretes a strong adhesive that can be distilled into a commercial-grade glue.
- Harvestable: No.
- Type: Liquen.
- Maturing and growth: Short maturation period. This gives rise to its name "amioshi pest", because it spreads very quickly over surfaces.
- Harvestable: Yes.
Rantas dung.
- Type: Dung.
- Origin: Excrement of an isopod known as Ranta. This isopod feeds on minerals and other materials it finds in the soil. It is very common to find it in caverns, caves
- Medicine and industry applications: The Ranta can digest what it eats thanks to a very special bacteria. This bacterium is being studied in the field of industry and medicine, as it is the one that helps the Ranta in the process of digesting the minerals it consumes.
- Harvestable: Yes.
Revenant Pod
- Type: Pod.
- Origin: Terra.
- Comon use: The pollen from these pods gives rise to a toxin known as altruciotoxin. This dust can be absorbed through the mucous membranes. This has turned it into a drug that mostly ends up being used as cigarettes.
- Altruciatoxin drug: Depending on the area of the UEE in which you move, the possession and transportation of this drug may be more or less punishable. In Crusader, its possession is classified as a misdemeanor.
- Symptomatology: lethargy, muscle relaxation.
- Harvestable: Yes.
- Type: Liquen.
- Origin: MicroTech and other artics habitat.
- Science and medicine applications: Antiseptic and bacterial properties. The problem is that these properties have only been found in specimens found in nature. Lichens created in laboratories do not manage to obtain these sought-after properties.
- Harvestable: No.
Decari Pod.
- Type: Spore.
- Comon use: It is often used as food, but a series of precautions must be taken, or else you could be pricked and stabbed by its barbs. Also warn that it has to be cooked before being consumed.
- Harvestable: Yes.
Degnous Root
- Type: Root (Microalgae).
- Origin: Terra.
- Science and medicine applications: Can be utilized as an ingredient in medical and heath products thanks to its unique blend of amino acids.
- Harvestable: Yes.
Pingala Seeds
- Type: Seeds
- Science and medicine applications: An exotic plant that follows the golden ratio, even its seeds. Its cultivation in greenhouses is extremely complicated and it is highly sought after by plant collectors.
- Harvestable: Yes.