
Exploring new planets and systems

  • Discover new planets and systems.
  • Cartography.
  • Genetal data recovery.
  • Discover and create new routes.

Climate: Planets and moons

  • Climate monitoring.
  • Study climate cycles.
  • Collect atmospheric data.

Study the biodiversity

  • Study unknown life forms.
  • Colaborate with Xenolife project.

Some special locations

  • Find and locate new special locations: science, industry, touring.

   The discovery of new places  throughout the universe. From the exploration of new planets and moons, the creation of new navigation routes, unknown quantum leaps, the study of the climate of new planets and moons...

  It also collaborates with the Xenolife project based on the study of new life forms.

FAC (Fair Chance Act)

BioTech Dynamics defenses the FAC, even though it is a UEE initiative.

This law does not allow terrraforming and mining on planets inhabited by species in evolutionary development. Thus, the aim is to avoid all human contact and involvement.

This has generated a network of systems known as "sanctuary systems or planets" protected by the UEE.

FAC's principes

Protect and defense

  • Protect the new  species that have not yet developed, but have the capacity to do so.


  • Exploration and science teams will determine if the species is under development or not.

Not to intervene

  • Not to intervene in the technological development of the discovered species.

New life's forms

  • Study and research the new species discovered


  • Monitoring and tracking of the planet and its life forms.
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