Quasi Grazer

Desert Quasi from PYRO IV. Photo was taken by our explorers
- Kingdom: Animal
- Original Habitat: Quasi, Terra, MicroTech.
- Bioma: Boreal forest (Microtech), Desert (Hurston), Grassland (Microtech), Artic (Microtech)
- Status: Prosperous.
- Description: a warm-blooded animal. Quasi can be found on most terraformed planets. Some of them are completely covered with fur. Not all of them have the eggs, the only one that doesn't is the one that lives in the arctic habitat. They are very gentle but if disturbed, they can charge at you and even kill you.
- Uses:
- Their eggs for cooking (desert ones have less eggs, and the artic individues have no eggs).
- Their meat.
- Their skins for low temperatures. Very used as a winter clothing.
- Their tongue (from the artic ones)
We are waiting for a photo from our scientists when they find this specimen.