The Xiphopod

A Xiphopod floating over Hurston's Industrial Areas
- Kingdom: Animal
- Original Habitat: Native from Leir I. This specie is considerated as an invasive in several planets like Hurston and some more planets with grassland bioma.
- Bioma: The gassland is one of his favorite habitat, but he has a hight adaptable skill to extreme conditions.
- Status: Prosperous
- Diet: Omnivore
- Description: The Xiphopod was clasificated as a shelled invertebrate. He float like a jellyfish. About his behaviour, he likes to stay in groups, hunting and scavenging for food. Because of their ability to adapt to a variety of conditions, the xiphopod has became an invasive specie of some planets like Hurston. It is also known as the "poor food source" for the poorest habitants of Hurston.